Our Aim
At James Farm Day nursery we are committed to providing support for each child in our care by offering a stable and enabling environment whilst providing resources and learning opportunities that respects all children’s cultures and communities. We promote independence, through positive relationships with both key workers and other children. We recognise that every child is unique and will develop and learn at different rates and have different interests and needs. At James Farm your child will be offered stimulating learning opportunities, through play and exploration, active learning and creative and critical thinking and strive to provide a secure, safe, stimulating and happy environment.
We aim to achieve this through:
- The implementation of the Early Years Foundation Stage and its principles.
- Complying with all child protection and safeguarding requirements.
- Providing high quality child care at all times.
- Creating a stimulating, caring environment for all children in our care.
- Working in partnership with the parents/carers in an open and honest way.
- Actively promoting equal opportunities at all times.
- Maintaining a safe and healthy environment throughout the nursery.
- Employing a team of staff with the combination of experience and qualifications to meet the correct staffing ratios at all times.